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Pastor Sandra Skeels


Sandra grew up on a ranch in Montana and attended a small school. She never really felt as though she really "fit in." In an attempt to find where she was accepted she started dating a boy in high school, drinking and eventually marijuana. None of those things ever really made her feel accepted and loved.


Seven years after high school, everything in her life fell apart, she felt totally broken and dirty.  She was encouraged to go to church. The first Sunday she went, all she could do is sit there and cry and no one reached out to her in her brokeness. She was in a crowd of people but still all alone, dirty and not accepted. The following Sunday she couldn't bring herself to go to church even though she had grown up in church, so she turned on the TV and at the end of the broadcast the televangelist asked for anyone who wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior to pray a prayer with him;  as she did, suddenly and miraculously she felt clean and accepted and no longer alone.


That was the beginning of her journey in a close personal relationship with Jesus. No longer were drugs appealing and shortly after that alcohol had no draw on her. From that point on, she no longer felt so broken and alone. The Lord gave her strength, love and acceptance, that was the beginning of her freedom from the past and her hope for the future.


A year and a half later she married Mark. They have encouraged one another in their relationships with The Lord for over 30 years now. They have 2 beautiful children, a son in law and daughter in law and all of them are enjoying a close relationship with The Lord. They have beautiful grandchildren.


Throughout the years they have seen God do amazing and miraculous things. In 2010 Mark was healed of an aortic aneurysm. The cardiologist had done an ultrasound and told them that 2.5 cm was normal size for the aorta and his measured 4.7. The cardiologist wanted Mark to have an MRI done to see farther down the aorta. Two and one half weeks later they came out of the MRI with the report that the widest point they could measure was 2.7 cm and that was on a curve. God is so wonderful!


A major turning point for Sandra was in 1990 when she started attending BSF, Bible Study Fellowship. The Word of God came alive to her. She began to teach Bible Studies and has taught all ages of Sunday School, including adult.


In 2004 God gave her the mandate to "Encourage the Body of Christ to become the fullness of Him," based on Ephesians 1:23. Her heart is to see families and people of all ages come to a deeper relationship with Jesus and to know that they are loved unconditionally and accepted in Him and to live in the fullness that Jesus died for us to live in. She enjoys the freedom that can bring and desires others to live in it also.


When she felt that God was calling her into the ministry she attended JSMI correspondence Bible School. She was licensed in 2004 through International Convention of Faith Ministries and was ordained in 2010. In 2014 with the help of her husband Mark, she founded "Grace Mountain Fellowship."


Grace Mountain Fellowship is a place where we are learning to receive abundance of the grace of God and the gift of righteousness in Christ so that we aren't just getting by, but instead we are reigning in Life. Many people cannot see themselves reigning in life. They think that if they can just get through this day that will be good. Jesus came to give us abundant life and we can reign in life and enjoy it!



Sunday  Service 5:00PM

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Midweek Bible Study

Wednesday 6:30pm

via zoom.

Contact us for details




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Grace Mountain Fellowship

P.O. Box 1077

East Helena, MT  59635


Mark your check "Building Fund" if you want to designate your offering for our building fund.



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